Cross-Country Datasets (in Stata Format)

Please Note: The following datasets are from data publicly available on the web, and links to the original papers and data sets are provided where available.  It is the user's responsibility to ensure they understand the data, that the data is correct and that the original sources/authors are properly cited.  The data are made available here in StataTM format along with a consistent coding system employed across all datasets for the sole purpose of facilitating their use in cross-country empirical work by making it easier to merge and manipulate the data.


The coding system used in the datasets below is:

isocode (3-letter ISO code) as a country identifier, year and pcode (code for 5-year period) as a time identifier in panel datasets.

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Useful Data Compilations (always a good starting point!)
1. Easterly-Yu Panel, annual data (1960-1999) Stata

2. IMF Panel, 5 year period stocks and averaged flows 

3. Fixed Country Characteristics Stata
4. Country Code Concordance (my ISO to World Bank, PWT, & Polity IV coding) Stata
Inequality Data (see also my data page)

1.  Deininger-Squire (1996)

2.  WIID (2006)  (includes DS as a proper subset)                Stata
3.  Forbes (2000) - choices for a 5 year panel from DS data 


4.  Milanovic's annual choices from DS & WIID data Stata
5.  UTIP Theil Coefficients  (Based on average pay differentials between industries.  Best for studying time-series variation in inequality at annual frequencies) Excel

6.  Land Ginis (Constructed from Frequency Distribution of Farm Sizes, FAO)





Outputs, Inputs and Productivity


1. Penn World Tables (NIPA Data, PPP)

Stata (version 6.1)

2. Capital Stock data (from PWT 5.6) Excel (from Easterly-Yu)
3. OECD data ( higher quality but limited to OECD sample) Stata
4. Employment / Unemployment data (ILO) Stata

1. Money, Credit and Banking Data from {Levine etc.,}

  • Annual panel data

  • Cross-sectional (average 1980-95) and controls




2. Interest Rates from World Bank’s WD Stata
3. Easterly-Yu Public Finance Data Excel
Innovation & Patenting Data 

1. Money, Credit and Banking Data from {Levine etc.,}

  • Annual panel data

  • Cross-sectional (average 1980-95) and controls




2. Interest Rates from World Bank’s WD Stata
3. Easterly-Yu Public Finance Data Excel
1. Barro Lee (2000 update)
  • Distributional data
  • Quality / outcomes data





2. Enrollment and Spending Data (from WDI) Stata


  • Years of schooling, by level
  • Quality measures




4. Cohen – Soto Stata
5. Fuente – Domenech Stata
Institutions and Governance 

1. Freedom House (political and civil rights indices)


2. Polity IV Database (democracy & autocracy) Stata  (5 year panel)
3. ICRG (quality of governance) - corruption measures Stata

4. Institutional Instruments

  • settler mortality, population density in 1500s (AJR, 2001 & 2002)

  • crop data from Easterly & Levine ( )

  • legal origins from Djankov, LaPorta ()

  • latitude & languages from Hall & Jones ( )

  • Barriers to Entry and Formality (from LaPorta)

Stata (AJR / crops)

Stata (from LaPorta)


5. Sachs and Warner Openness (1950-1992) Stata
6. World Bank Governance Index Stata
Other Useful Data 

1. Ethnic Fractionalization (Easterly and Levine)


2. Religious Composition in 1980 (World Christian Encyclopedia) Stata
3. Resources (Sachs & Warner) Stata
4. World Trade Database Stata
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Last Updated October 5, 2006